to Order
Credit Card Payments
Email us and tell us what you'd
like to order and that you prefer to use PayPal. We'll send you
a PayPal email invoice, follow the instructions in the invoice.
When we receive PayPal
notification of your payment we will immediately ship your order.
Mail Order
Email us to be sure we have the
items in stock you'd like to order. We will send you a confirmation
email ASAP, reserving the items in your name.
Send a check or money
order for your total to:
Running Past
P.O. Box 1897
Wallingford, CT 06492 USA
*Don't forget to include
the address where
you'd like your order shipped and your e-mail address.
Items will be held for
10 days from order date
unless other arrangements are made.
Total the amount of your order
(Connecticut residents add 6% sales tax.)
E-mail us at
